2 min readMar 8, 2021



lets survive

Hope for the best but prepare for the worst because life is unpredictable. We are just souls living in the bones connected by the muscles. The soul is our mind, perpetually thinking of ways to make our life better, pushing our limits to make our dream a reality. To satisfy our craving, the soul needs our physique. So the body and our health should be the prime priority.
Life is the reflection of the crucial decisions we make to tackle the situation in front of us. The better the decision, the more effortless your life would be. Making a decision is the turning point in one’s life. These decisions don’t come easy, and it depends on the dilemma of the situation confronted by the individual, his raw life, which mostly is unknown to the outside world.
One wrong decision, your mind goes into an endless loop thinking about the day you took the wrong path, praying to god for a time machine — the bigger the decision, the more sleepless nights you have. The effects of the little mistakes drain away once you have much bigger things to worry about.

Time heals everything; every second eats our ongoing emotions and makes us neutral, so don’t lose hope. But we can’t rely on time which might have miraculously saved us once from our wrong turn. So how do you make the right choice? Well, the great mathematicians didn’t leave us any equation to solve it.

Experience is the best teacher, So seek the guys who have experimented with it, but the final judgment should be made by the conscious you, or else there would be one guy to blame if it falls apart. There is never a perfect choice; instead, the choices we made are perfected.


The Brain Or The Heart, Who Would U Hear?

Both make pretty good conclusions, but who should you listen to? To follow your heart, you need a high level of confidence and courage cause those plans made by heart are unique and hence hard to work out. In contrast, the plans made by our brain seems more practical since it is based on the general views of the people and from the experience of many. One thing for sure is that when you hearken to your heart, you won’t ever repent that path, even though you have to strive a lot when you take that path, tailored just for you.

